Báná be ne bifíá ya ñkóbô Búlu, ású bifíá bíá taté ä "b". Ñgê wo kômbõ ke ékañg'éfê, fítí' ékañgá jé.

Voici un dictionnaire de la langue Boulou pour les mots et les verbes qui commencent par la lettre "b". Pour accéder á une autre lettre, clique son lien.

Here is a dictionary of the Bulu language for words that start with the letter "b". To access the words of another letter, click its link.

Ènjõk - Dictionnaire - Dictionnary - E

  Bulu Abui/Pluriel Français   English
e ba   couper en morceaux, morceler, dépecer to cut in pieces
a ba ásô     to pick out an asô
  baa       powdered red wood
  baá   deuxième   second
  baába   une grenouille grise (un peu jaunâtre) qui sécrète un liquide blanchâtre empoisé (qui gratte quand on les touche) qui leur sert de défense contre les prédateurs   toad, Bufo of different species
  ába     to pick out
ába éyo     to pick out a thorn (from skin)
  ...baáne   les deux   both
e babe, baabe   baisser la tête to stoop over "duck the head"
  baé bêbaé deuxième   second
e bák     to add one more
e bandé     to bite
e báa-álo   faire attention to pay attention
e bák     to add one more
  ba'a       a snare fixed overhead, on vine or horizontal tree stem
e ba'a   se coller to be adhering, stick
e ba'abe   se coller to be adhering, stick
e bá'álan   répéter (une action) to (intensive of bak) do more, continue (as work), repeat (an action)
e ba'ale   s'occuper (de quelqu'un) to care (for somebody), take care (of somebody)
e ba'atan     to be, or place, close together; adjoin; be, or set, side by side
e ba'é, ba'aé   abbattre to cut down (a tree)
e ba'é, ba'aé   coller to stick cause to adhere
e bal     to cut or hoe weeds
  balánda   salon (où les gens se divertissent)   living room
e bale     to be leaning, lean
e balebe   baisser la tête to stoop over "duck the head"
e bámêle     to bruise as rubber vine to extract rubber, and the like
e bandé     to bite (about one person biting another)
  bap       tree of the Anonaceae family, with showy flowers, Monodora zenkeri
a bas     to pick out
a basan     to venture, pluck up-courage, as in speaking to a person one is afraid of
a basé     to graze, wound slightly
  báná   ceux/celles-ci   these ones
e báñ     to ricochet, turn, be turned by intervening object-of spear
  nê báñ!   empty (said when someone is hungry)
e báñ     to whet (one tool against another)
  báñete     peanuts cooked and mashed
e báñete     to send for; call by a message
  bálé   ceux-lá   those
e bálé   to hammer edge of cutlass, to sharpen
e bálé   to be hurt, wounds especially cut
e bám   être déclanché (s'agissant d'une arme á feu) to go off (speaking of a gun)
e   parler á haute voix ou crier, dans le but d'alerter quelqu'un (ou des gens) dans le but de demander le silence to talk alloud (with the goal goal to quiet somebody or an animal to submission)
e bámetan   to pinch, compress or be compressed between surfaces, esp; of bark between palmstrips in building
e bán   empêcher un événement (comme une pluie, le déclenchement d'fusil, une maladie, etc) de se produire to charm away, or against
e bán   clouer, fixer á l'aide d'un objet tel qu'un clou to pin, fasten
e bándan   épingler, boucler to pin (down or to a wall)
báñete     peanuts cooked and mashed
e báñete     to send for
e báp   masser to massage
e báp   to mount on another's back, to be carried
e bátan   saluer to greet, salute
  be   ils/elles   they
  bê aa = bê ä = b'áa   avec, accompagné de   with
  bebálê       leant or stooped over
e bebe   observer, regarder avec plus d'attention que "ê fombõ" to look carefully (or with more attention, seriously)
e bebe     to get up upon something, alight on branch, of bird
  bebé   auprès   close
  bek       castor-oil plant, Ricinus communis
e bek     to break a sitck and the like
  bekuñgú       an initiation of little boys, the sign of which is scratches on back of neck
  be'e     plate, dish of trade-tin or crockery
  be'e       be plenty, abundant
e be'e     to carry, bear a load
e be'e     to wear/have on (clothes)
e be'ek     to curse
e bê'êle     to burn slowly (wood, log, etc)
e bêle     to be right, speak truly
e belekan se brûler, être brûlé (á une chaleur intense, le but est de détruire quelque chose par le feu) to be burned, self-burn with intense heat (the goal is to be/get destroyed by fire)
e beleke brûler (á une chaleur vive, le but est de détruire quelque chose par le feu) to burn with intense heat (the goal is to destroy something by fire)
  belo, mone belo   esclave(s)   slave
e bem   planter (un poteau) to stick
e bem   tarder de faire quelque chose, durer au lieu de faire quelque chose, prendre son/trop de, temps pour faire quelque chose to tarry, delay, be long gone
nê bem!   immitation d'un objet qu'on plante with a slash, at a stroke
bembe   to stick itself as a jigger does
e beme   être planté (s'agissant d'un poteau, etc) to be sticking, stick
ê bêmen   signaler ou reporter un mauvais événement aux autres to signal or report something bad (to the other people)
e ben     to dislike, refuse, not consent
  bendé   parler á haute voix dans le but de demander á quelqu'un ou un animal de faire quelque chose to speak aloud (as to call attention or to ask somebody or an animal in the crowd or at a distance to do something
  bendeñge ôsesaá       male Widow-bird, Vidua serena
e bep   le verbe du bruit qu'un arbre fait quand il est en train de se casser   verb for the noise produced by a breaking tree
e bep   lancer une pièce ou dé (pour un jeu de hasard) to toss (a coin or dy)
e bes   couper des petites branches d'un arbre to cut separate stems of a tree
  besase   region sous mva'an   region below armpit on ribs
  besobôsobô       hide-and-seek
e bêt     to rise, ascend, climb
  betá   quelque chose, une certaine chose   something, whatever thing
  betá   faire quelque chose encore ou une fois de plus   to do something again or one more time
  betaa, betä   grand, énorme   big, huge
e betan   to follow in age
e bête     to raise, lift, cause to ascend
e bête     to be upon
e beté   poser (sur une table, etc) to put upon, put on top (of something, like a table, a car, etc)
e bété ábáká   réparrer une déchirrure to patch
e betè ôdò'é, betè ôdò'òé, bet!ôdò'é   éxagérer to overdo, exagerate
  beyem, beyem élòk   to a vine of the Verbenaceae family, with red flowers, Clerodendron splendons
  bezimbi   soldat   soldier
e   planter to plant, sow seeds
e     to be cooked, be done
e     to grunt as in making an effort
  nê bè!       whack!-of striking
e béé   suivre to follow
e bé'é   briser (s'agissant d' mmorceau de bois ou quelque chose qui peut être cassée ou brisée en deux) to break, as stick and many sorts of objects
  bi   ces   these
e bi   arrêter. saisir, acquerrir, capturer, être en possession to arrest, seize, catch, capture, take hold, grasp, hold, come into possession of, acquire
  bia tyé   tôt le matin, le jour suivant   early morning, next morning
  nê bia!   toute la nuit durant   all night
  bia asêñ       fruit of asêñ tree
e bíáé   donner naissance to bear, give birth
  mal canoé   canoe
e bíálé   être né(e) to be born
e bian   s'arrêter l'un l'autre, se saisir l'un l'autre to arrest each other, seize each other, catch each other, capture each other, take hold of each other, grasp each other, hold each other
  biañ mebiañ médicament   medicine
  nê biañ!       slack, loose from emptiness as a bag ; used of person%s body after fasting
e biasé   manquer de respet to despise, show disrespect
e bíban   se tapper l'un l'autre to strike each other
e bíban   se débrouiller to cope
  bibañe       a kind of banana with large red fruits
  bibe'e       trsh of palm bunch
  bibe'ek       cursing
  bibo       an infection said to kill new-born babes
  bibôt bibôt (Ñnañga Kôn) désert (village ou communauté vide)   desert, empty village or community
e bìbi   frapper, tapper to beat, strike, hit
e bìbi abáé   frapper (á l'aide de la main) to slap (using a hand)
  bidí   nourriture   food
e biek     to belch
e biet   puiser á l'aide d'un verre, d'une tasse, etc to dig up using a cup, a mug, a vessel, etc
  bijabô     sensualité  
  bijañ   séduction   seduction
  bijõ       reponsability, for a deed, blame
e vê bijõ   accuser, donner tord (á quelqu'un) to blame (somebody)
  bijõñ       dizzy, dizziness
  bijujuk muddiness, roiliness
  bikálák     ingratitude ungrateful
  bikanak     chaff of palm bunch
e bi'i     to divine, find out by magic
e bi'iti     to roll as a stone or log
  bikôñ       unreliableness
  bikôt       chronic eruption following yaws or syphilis
  bikpwat       fine eruption all over body, often chronic
  bikpwatubuk       elephantiasis
  bikúk èkúk médaille medallion
  bikutesi       a woman's dance, one performing at a time
  bikutuk       pains in head and bones, often from yaws
  bilám       rum
  bilánda quelque chose qui a été volée (et se fait consommer)   eating stolen animal or fowl secretely
e bilan     to overtake, come up with
  bilas-ê-mebo   pieds écartés tels que chaque plante de pied se tourne à l'extérieur   divergent feet, often from jiggers
  bilela       stringy mucus from bowels
  bilelek       young tender leaves of trees
  bilen       eloquence, skill in talking
e bili     to be caught, be taken
e bili     to hold, have, posses
nê bim!   used to imitate schok of heavy object striking the ground
  bimo       passing the time together chatting, visiting
  bimvô'é       borrowing without returnng
bindañ   espace vide entre deux objects ou deux personnes   wide space between objects or people
e bindi   filtrer, selectionner to strain,filter
bindom       kind of large bag of salt
  bindône       having prominent eyes
  bindumba   megalomanie   passion for big things
  binyam     being ragged
  bitá   guerre   war
  bitobok       picking, choosing, being choice, fastidious
  bityetyá'á first taste of new crop      
  bivíás       a moist, itchy eruption on
  bivôé jeu(x)     play, sport(s)
  biwôé     second crop of peanuts, from one planting
  biyám       resignation
e bíi   être déclanché (s'agissant d'une arme á feu) to go off (gun, trap, etc)
e bím   to swelli become bloated
e bími, bími   to hit
e bíñesan   to roll on the ground, in anger
e bís   déclencher ou faire partir (un appareil ou un instrument, tel qu'un fusil, un piège, un appareil photo, etc) to start (something like a device or an instrument, etc, something that starts with the push of a button)
e bís ñgál   déclencher ou faire partir (un fusil, un piège, un appareil photo, etc) to touch off gun
  bisô   doute   doubt
  bisõk     inordinate sexual desire
  bityita'a   aromaces   seasoning
  bizuk   abondance   accruement
e bo   faire, devenir to do, become, turn into
e bo mejían   commettre l'adultère   to cheat (in a personal relationship)
e bo zek   améliorer to improve, get better
e boban   arriver (un évévement), se passer to occur (an event, a reaction, etc)
e bobetan   to squirm, writhe
bobo   climbing shrubs with conspicuous flowers, Mussaenda of different species
e boé   pourir to decay, rot
e bok   to shrivel in drying
e bo'é   allumer (un feu, la lumière, etc) to light
e bo'é   allumer to light, kindle of fire
bó'o   fetish made with ayañ plant
bo'o        be sticking to a tree or rock-of snail and the like
e bo'obõ   to adhere, stick itself upon
e bo'obõ   to get above something
e bo'olõ   to accuse, bring charge against
e bo'olõ   to shave or whittle round doorway
e bo'olõ   to twist, screw
e bo'otõ   to chew long
e bo'otõ     to talk tediously on one subject, "harp" on it.
e bol     to stalk, creep up on an animal
e boleká     palm-bunch that fails to ripen properly
e bolõ     to cause to rot, rot
e bomé     to run away with, marry by capture
  boñgo     a little bell
    cerveau   brain
  nê botebotan   heureux mariés   happily married
e bobetan     to squirm, writhe
e botan   s'habiller to suit, look well in
e botan   to bless
e botan     to mix and mash up in cooking
  botekolô   dépourvu   going without clothes, habitually naked
e boté   être mouillé(e), se faire mouiller to get wet
  nê botok   faible, tremplottant   weak, feeble
  bôbô   casque   helmet
e bók   visser, tourner á l'aide d'tourne-vis ou un outil to screw, twist wind clock
e bó'ô     to be in doorway neither outside nor in
e bõm   battre to beat (a drum)
e bôõ   être couché to be lying down, lie down
e bôbone   the crested Hornbill, Ortholophus cassini
e bôt   s'habiller to get dressed
e bôbôlé, bôbôlô   tenter to feel, to test
e bôé   poser to lay down
e bôée     to smash, shatter or even crack of hard and brittle things
e bôk     to plaster or build up earth for floor, to cover bridge
e bõk     to chop out of hollow log
e bõndè e bôndé fek plannifier (un projet, une activité, un événement) to plan (a project, an activity, an event)
e bô'ô     to lie curled up or crouching on the ground, as animal sit of bird
e bô'ô     to curl up and lie down; crouch as animal; go to sitting- of bird
e bôlé     to be smashed, broken to pieces
e bõm   battre (une personne, un instrument de musique, etc), frapper to beat, pound
e bõm ñkúl   battre le tambour to beat a drum
e bõman   entourer, encercler to go around to the starting place, encircle as, around the house; reach all aroud, as a cloth
e bômban   se coucher ensemble mutuellement to lie down together
e bômbô   se coucher, être couché to lay oneself down, lie down generally with si
bômbô     leaf-roll of ground corn, boiled
bõmelõ   clouer   nail up, nail
e bõmen   clouer to lie down together
to bômôkô     to wish evil, curse a child
to bôn     to bark
to bõndé   planifier to plan
  bôñ       a small bee and his honey
e bõñ    rallonger (ajouter une pièce de quelque chose, comme un tissue, á quelque chose du même genre) to splice, lengthen by splicing
e bôp     to grope, feel one’s way
  nê bôp       imitation of noise of stricking, whack
e bôt     to peer, look intently or carefully
  bõt betô   ancêtre   ancester
e bôté     to accuse falsely with ajô
e bu   être beaucoup to be many
e bu   plannifier, prévoir, anticiper to plan, anticipate
e bubelan     to flutter, as a bird, when caught
e bu'uban   bénéficier, tirer partie to benefit
e bun   fouiller to search (deep, inside a container)
  búá   pauvreté   being poor, especially , without a wife
e búan   pauvreté   give enema
e búnan   faire confiance to trust
  búbutú       face down, prone
e bui     to abound, be many
e búk    casser to break
e búk    casser to miss an opportunity
e búk    casser to postpone till a next session
e bú'i   casser (une branche, un os, etc) to break (a branch, a bone, a joint, etc)
e bú'u dulu   casser to postpone a travel
e bú'u fôn   casser to snap corn, gather corn
e búlan   revenir, retourner to come back, go back, return, send back, give back
e bulu   oser faire quelque chose, faire quelque chose sérieusement to do really, seriously
e bulukan     to turn over, flop over, —as a tortoise on its back
e bum     to writhe, crawl— of a wounded thing
e bumu     to start up of animal hunted
e bumu ñkobô     to break out talking
e búni   croire, penser to trust, believe, think, be confident, hope
e bup     to roast in ashes or coals
e bútan   payer ((une ransome) pour quelqu'un, compenser to equal, equalize, make amends, copmensation
e búti   couvrir un conteneur to cover a container (pot, utensil, etc)
e butubu     to place or lay onself face downwards
  nê butuk!       relaxed, limp of one asleep or dead

Báná be ne bifíá ya ñkóbô Búlu, ású bifíá bíá taté aa "m". Ñge wo kômbô ke ékañgá éfe, fítík ékañgá jé.

Voici un dictionnaire de la langue Boulou pour les mots et les verbes qui commencent par la lettre "m". Pour accéder á une autre lettre, clique son lien.

Here is a dictionary of the Bulu language for words that start with the letter "m". To access the words of anothe letter, click its link.

Bulu Français English
bí ñgá bômbô valè nê bia! nous étions restés couchés toute la nuit we remained asleed all night long
ye jôm éte é ne wo biañ? Est-ce nécessaire? Devrais-tu faire celá? Is that thing necessary to you? Do you have to have it?
ê beta ba'álú afê rester une nuit de plus to stay another night
M'a bêle. Ä bêle. Je dis la vérité, Il/Elle dit la vérité. I am right/I am telling the truth. He/She is right/He/She is telling the truth.
Te wo bem. Ne tarde pas trop (où tu te trouves). Don't be long gone

Ñg'õ yênê évùs éziñ ñgê ke jôm éziñ j'a síli ñkõmán, bí á ye yênê mevak ñgê w'a ye kate bíá.

Si vous trouvez une erreur ou quelque chose qui a besoin d'être corrigée, faites nous savoir.

If you find an error, a mistake, or a correction that should be taken care of, please let us know.




















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