

Õnyem ô ne jam é n'éjõjõs, aa átem-ê-tem, d'á boban ényiñ ê mõt ñgê k'ényiñ ê bõt yà áfõé. Jam éte é n'èjõjõs amú d'á tu'ulan õkulut ényiñ ê bõt yà áfõé. Ê jam díná d'á tinan náa õnyem ô ne fombõ ê mõt wuá, õnyõé, ñgótó, ókpwat, ètõñga, ndõn, akeêke.

Anyem é ne mevále mevál. Anyem èziñ d'á fombõ nyúle mõt wuá. Anyem èziñ d'á fombõ menyúle yà áyoñ ñgê ke má yà áfõé dá. Anyem èziñ d'á nambe menyúl m bõt yà áfõé afõé, ja'a áfõé é njí bo ê vôme wuá.

Õnyenyam Ê Jam

Õnyem ô ne jam d'á kúí átem-ê-tem. Õnyut-õnyut náa õnyem ô n'õnyenyam. Õnyem w'á boban átem-ê-tem, ve bõt b'á yiane bameke ê jam éte. Amú ônyem ô ne õnyenyam, teke zen ê ya ê sá'ále wõ. Bõt b'á fas mam ê yà ányem avál anê mê tií aa èkõkõtè ê mboán. Mimfasán míte mí á fombõ mam mevé m'á sóo anyem (ye mõt, ye õnyõé, y'afõé, y'õkpwat?), aál avé bõt bê ne sá'ál'ônyam, aa ñgê bõt bê mbê bilí ñgul ya ê nlô, ñgul ya ê nyúl, ñgê ke ñgul ya áyoñ náa bê jôtõ õnyem.

Anyem èziñ d'á boban anê mõt a ê bo èfêfêm ôbús, ve mbía jam é ne boban. Aka' ényem éte é ne boban éyoñ mõt a a lí bilók, mingá a a sañ ndó'o, mba'ase a a dutu õkelet, ñgê ke tyéndumu a a jôé yôñgôlõ. Bive'án bifê bí ne.

Õnyem Anê Jam ê Fu'án

Anyem èziñ d'á boban fu'án. Èyoñ éte, bõt b'á tem jam éte. Ève'án fu'án õnyem é ne náa èlé j'á ku ê njóñ, saák'amú felêves, ñgê ke ndôn, ñgê k'èkó'ó mveñ, saák'amú mõt èziñ a ê ba'aé èlé (abui ê biyoñ, éyoñ mõ a ê ba'aé èlé, a ne ñgul ya ê vúí ê mfá'á élé j'á ye ku, ñgê ke náa a ne ñgul ya ê kõmesan ávál ése èlé j'á ye ku).

Õnyem Ê Yà Éfêfêm Ôbús

Anê bí kôñelõ ya, õnyem ô ne boban mõt a bo'o èfêfêm ôbús. Ású éve'án, bí tame jô na mõt a a ba'aé èlé an'á wô'õ táme zu a a bo. Éyoñ a ê ve'ele vam élé, ôvôn ô sótan ê ñkêl, õvôn ô bembê mõt ábo.

Ású éve'án éfê, bí tame jô na miñgá aa yáñ mekala. Á mane ya sõé mbón ê viek. Á telé ya ê vie' ê ndúán. w'á kundi, mbep ô sótáne nye ê wó. Mbep ôte ô ku ê áyôñ mbón. Mbón ô tótán ê viek; ô manê nye mialan ású. Ñgúmb'éfas ású é manê sôté. Dís é bôlé, dís ése é manê ndaman.

Èyemese Ê Be Bõt Abui

Õnyem wúá ô ne yemese ábui ê bõt. Avál éte é wô'õ boban ású ányem ê mintiñga, ê mí ákelet, ê mí melómvela, ñgê ke ê mí míêl (yà ásôé).

Ású éve'án yà ônyem w'á yemese bõt abui, dí'íti ntiñga ô be'ê bõt bêtáan. Ntiñga ôte w'á wôlan Ébolêwo'o. Ntiñga ôte w'á só ôkpwelet ê yà Ñkõ'ôvõs. Ntiñga w'á jêñ na ô ke ê Ñgalán. Anê ntiñga w'á wôlan aa èjójó'o nyoñgó, w'á ma'án bí á nambe fe ê vôm ô bôo





  • Implement its Click event as follows:Return to the form and double-click the Generate button
  • ("Invalid value");
    ("Invalid value");(" value");
                "/"("Invalid value");
            10. Object Construction and Destruction        

    By default, these fields have nothing in their value section. Most of these properties are dependent on other settings of your program. For example, you can set a menu property for a form only after you have created a menu.



    The null Value

    Therefore, if you create a read property, you should provide the users with the ability to primarily specify the value of the field it represents. This would be a way to initialize the property readers.

    Introduction to


    (ñgê ke a Éfíá bíé)., v, w, y, ñgê ke z.ñgá bíte été, sesalê "g" báa "p" ( bikañgá "g" báa "p" bí bilí mejôntõm máp).

    tyéndé ényiñ. Nál'a wôô . Ê káláte wéè j'á lõt, mam m'éziñ yényiñ m'á tyéndè. Ê bôt bá tôbane b'iziñ. B: man . káa ä . Ê nde ñgê wo t bif e . mf abui bikiñgá bivòk'ane, á ényuñ.éfá yiane nyiñ ä mam mête. a ve éveavál ane be ng éfiá " (vedá éfiá é ne man aa "p"). Nde ge wo té ñkóbô sê bifíá. Avál y'été bí ne loene náa ase' ôñ káa éfiá ä " éfiá ét.".



    create a group box, declare a variable of type GroupBox of type Stringon the PictureBoxSizeModeIn our of tablesHere is an example:


    Ású biva'án yà belan õgbwa'aé ê "víane, t mam máná:

    Ású bive'án, tótê mêjô maná:

    mfiñgá/mimfiñgá, èyáñêse/biyáñse, jiá/biá, ñkásá/miñkásá, kábat/bekábat, ndaé/bendaé, viēk/meviēk, ñkômbán/miñkômbán

    Arrays and Methods

    Passing an Array as Argument



    Finding an Element




    This would produce:




    type , the class is equipped with a method named . Its syntax is:


    The Cascade, TileHorizontal, TileVertical, and ArrangeIcons.

    Introduction to Forms

    Creating a New Line

    , which don't have to do In the same way, you dontmakes it possible to file process its list.

    Practical LearningPractical Learning: Using an Enumeration

    1. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug Start Without Debugging:
    2. On the main menu, click Project -> Add Class...
    3. On the main menu, click Project -> Add Class...
    "Invalid sales on Monday"); txtMonday.Text = "0";

    Practical LearningPractical Learning: Switching an Enumeration

    1. Implement the event as follows:

    Details on Static Members


    1. -> New -> Project...)

    Practical LearningPractical Learning: Using the Console Class

    1. Press any key to close the DOS window and return to your programming environment
    2. To execute the application to see the result, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging. This would produce:
    3. To execute, press Ctrl + F5

    Getting the Machine Name

    Author Note


    The above code (or class) contains the keyword s (are) used at this time. We will introduce that (those) word(s) in a later lesson.

    Practical LearningPractical Learning: Returning a Value from a Function

    1. Type and press The Length of a String
    1. To execute the application, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging. This would produce:
    1. To create a new class, on the main menu, click Project -> Add Class...
    2. In the Properties window, click the Events button Events
    1. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
    Increase Vertical Spacing

    This would produce:

    Read-Only Fields

    Practical LearningPractical Learning: Passing an Array of Objects as Argument

    1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click Program.cs -> Rename
    2. In the Solution Explorer, right-click Form1.cs -> Rename

    Practical LearningPractical Learning: Using an Enumeration

    1. To execute the application, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging:
    2. To execute, press Ctrl + F5

    Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating an Enumeration

    Using an Enumeration

    Moves the seized border in the North-West <-> South-East direction

    ApplicationPractical Learning: Creating a Simple Returning Expression


    Variants of an else Conditional Statement

    A Bitmap from a Graphics Object

    This would produce:


    Practical LearningPractical Learning: Passing an Argument in

    Practical LearningPractical Learning: Passing an Argument in

    1. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
    2. Close the form and return to your programming environmentTo execute, press Ctrl + F5
    3. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
    4. Click Next
    5. Press Enter
    6. Click Add

    Practical LearningPractical Learning: Passing Argument by Reference

    1. Close the browser and return to your programming environment
    2. Close Microsoft Visual Studio
    1. To execute, press Ctrl + F5

    Practical LearningPractical Learning: Nesting a Function

    1. In the middle list of the Add New Item dialog box, make sure Code File is selected.
      Change the name of the file to
    2. Press Enter
      • Click Next
      • Click Create
      • Click Add

      ApplicationPractical Learning: Accessing a Parameter by Name

      1. Change the calls to the functions as follows: To execute the application and test the calculations, press Ctrl + F5
      2. Close the form and return to your programming environment

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Switching to a Boolean Value

      1. To execute the project, press Ctrl + F5
      2. Click the Calculate button
      3. Close the form and return to your programming environmentClick Next

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Switching to a Default Outcome

      1. Click Create

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Checking the Types of Characters

      1. In the Exemptions text box, type a small number such as
      2. Nesting a Conditional Statement in a Case

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Switching a String

      1. To execute the application, on the main menu,, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
      2. Introducing Switch Statements

      3. Introducing Switch Statements

      4. Close the form and return to your programming environment
      5. Start Microsoft Visual Studio and, on the Visual Studion 2019 dialog box, click Create a New Project (if Microsoft Visual Studio was already launched, on the main menu of, click File -> New -> Project...)
      6. Click Next
      7. Click Create
      8. Right-click inside the Code Editor -> Remove and Sort Usings

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Ending the Lesson

      1. From the Menus & Toolbars section of the Toolbox, click StatusStrip Status Strip and click the form
      2. Click the + button of Size and change the Width to

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Exiting Early From a Method

      1. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging:
      2. Close the form and return to Microsoft Visual Studio
      3. To execute, press Ctrl + F5
      4. Close the form and return to Microsoft Visual Studio

      ApplicationPractical Learning: Creating Automatic Properties

      1. On the main menu of Microsoft Visual Studio, click File -> New -> Project...
      2. To execute the application to test it, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without DebuggingOn the main menu, click File -> Save All
      3. To execute the application, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Adding a Property to an Interface

      1. To execute the application to test the form, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging:
      2. To close the window, press Enter, and return to your programming environment

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Protecting a Member of a Class

      1. To execute the application to make sure no error was created, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Adding Properties to a Page Model

      1. Return to Microsoft Visual Studio

      When a project is made of various files, each file is represented by a tab in the top section of the Code Editor

      ApplicationPractical Learning: Introducing Automatic Properties

      1. On the main menu, click Project -> Add Class...

      Comment Out the Selected Lines. system's cha .

      Window PositionFloating Window

      • For the Salvage Value, type and press Enter

      The colors usclick Tools -> Options... ing, docking, font, etc. Like the regular text box, the class is derived from combo box and select one:

      Visual Studio 2019

      As another way to get another version of that dialog box, if Microsoft Visual Studio is already opened, on the Standard toolbar, click the Start Window button Start Window. Clicking that button would display a dialog box titled What Would You Like to Do?:

      What Would You Like to Do? Studio 2019

      • If Microsoft Visual Studio is already opened:
        • On the main menu, click File -> Open -> Project...

      If the miracles are not verified, they make Jesus Christ a fictional character.


      ApplicationPractical Learning: Creating a Method without a Body

      1. To test the project, press Ctrl + F5

      ApplicationPractical Learning: Calling a Function that Returns a Value

      1. To execute the application, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
      1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio. In the Visual Studio 2019 dialog box, click Create a New Project (if Microsoft Visual Studio was already opened, on the main menu, click File -> New -> Project...)

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating Write-Only Properties

      1. In the Solution Explorer, double-click PayrollPreparation.cs to display the formTo execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging:
    1. Values Conversion - Metric System

      1. There were a few mistakes. To correct them, change the design of the form as follows:
      2. Close the form and return to your programming environment

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Using the Addition Operator

      1. Type (to get Geometry.cs) and press EnterDesign the form as followsTo execute the application to test it, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging
      2. Close the form and return to your programming environment

      Combining Conditional matches

      College Park Auto Parts

      If Two Values Are Equal

      Introduction to Comparisons

      Finding Out Whether a Value is Greater Than Another Value

      Finding Out Whether a Value is Greater Than Another Value

      Selected Controls - Bottom Reference

      Read/Write Properties and Conditional Statements

      Fundamentals of Classes

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Classes

      1. Click Create

      Classes Fundamentals


      We have had a first brief introduction to classes. The idea was to know what a class looks like, but we avoided many concerns. Let

      Displaying a Picture in a Control

      Geometry - Cylinder

      Inheritance With this Object

      1. To start a new application, on the Standard toolbar, click the New Project button New Project
      public List<SelectListItem> OccupanciesStatus

      picture next to it. time by assigning an value to the property. After adding a picture that would accompany the label, you can specify what position the picture would hold with regards to the label. To do this, select the desired position of the ImageAlignAfter assigning an to the label attribute that takes as in the Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll using the Properties window or code, you can use the ImageIndex to specify what picture to display next to the label.

      Radio Buttons

      used to indicate that a variable doesn't hold a known value.

      1. Add a picture box to the above panel (so that the panel is its parent). You should manually align it to the left of its container so that the top-left corner o to . Set its SizeMode to .
      variable-name = 

      Here is an example: value-to-format the ..

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Finding Out Whether a Value is Greater Than Another

      1. Press Enter and return to your programming environment

      ApplicationPractical Learning: Introducing Constructors

      1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio
      2. On the Visual Studio 2019 dialog box, click Create a New Project (if Microsoft Visual Studio is already opened, on the main menu, click File -> New -> Project...)
      if(condition : ;

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Calling a Function

      1. To execute, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging:
      2. Close the form and return to your programming environment
      3. To execute the application, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging:

      Practical Learning

      1. To execute the project, on the main menu, click Debug -> Start Without Debugging

      Returning from a Conditional match

      Linking Razor Pages

      tag, a and a

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Specifying the Access Modifiers of Fields

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Ending the Lesson

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Introducing Graphical Applications

      1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio and, in the Visual Studio 2019 dialog box, click Create a New Project (if Microsoft Visual Studio had already started, on the main menu, click File Project...)
        Using Carriage Return-Line Feed Using Carriage Return-Line Feed Using Carriage Return-Line Feed Message Box

      .DrawEllipse() method:

      public void DrawEllipse(Pen pen);

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Creating a File

      1. Press Enter to close the window and return to your programming environmentclick Water Meters and click Setup Water Meter...:
      2. In the Solution Explorer, under Pages and under RentalContracts, click Index.cshtml
      3. Change the code as follows:
      4. Type
      6. While the new faces are selected, in the Properties window, change the Z-location as follows:
      7. On the right side of the Use A Layout Page text box, click the Browser button Object Browser
      8. In the Contents of Folder list, double-click _Management.cshtml:

        Select a Layout Page

      9. Click OK

        Add Razor Pages Using Entity Frameword (CRUD)

      10. Click Add
      11. In the Data Context Class combo box, make sure ApartmentsRentalManagement1Context (ApartmentsRentalManagement1.Models) is selected. Also make sure the Use A Layout Page text box is displaying ~/Pages/Shared/_Management.cshtml:

        Add Razor Pages Using Entity Frameword (CRUD)

        Click Add

      the the first today na today


      Stellar Water Point - Water Meters

      Practical LearningPractical Learning: Using the Toolbox19. Ású kõnõ èf, mj:


    2. ==========================================================


      Earlier, We that the simplest version uses the following syntax:

      public void DrawString(string );

      Fundamentals of Text Drawing


      One of the simplest versions uses the following syntax:

      public void DrawString(string , Font font, Brush , float );

      mõte wuá - jôm ê jíá: abo dáam, aló dam

      2. mõte wuá - jôm ê jíá: ndá jam

      3. mõte wuá - jôm ê jíá: món ê wom, ñkõ wóom


      4. mõte wuá - jôm ê jíá: abo dôé, aló dõé

      5. mõte wuá - jôm ê jíá: ndá jõé

      6. mõte wuá - jôm ê jíá: món ê wõé


      7. mõte wuá - jôm ê jíá: abo dé, aló dé

      8. mõte wuá - jôm ê jíá: ndá jèé

      9. mõte wuá - jôm ê jíá: món ê wèé


      10. mõte wuá - abui bíôm: bikõndé biam

      11. mõte wuá - abui bíôm: mebo máam, meló mam

      12. mõte wuá - abui bíôm: miñkõse míam

      13. mõte wuá - abui bíôm: bón ê bam


      14. mõte wuá - abui bíôm: bikõndé biõé

      15. mõte wuá - abui bíôm: mebo môé

      16. mõte wuá - abui bíôm: bón ê bõé

      17. mõte wuá - abui bíôm: miñkõse míõé


      18. mõte wuá - abui bíôm: bón ê bé

      19. mõte wuá - abui bíôm: bikõndé bié

      20. mõte wuá - abui bíôm: mebo mé

      21. mõte wuá - abui bíôm: miñkõse míé


      22. abui ê bõt - jôm ê jíá: dáñgán

      23. abui ê bõt - jôm ê jíá: ndá jañgán

      24. abui ê bõt - jôm ê jíá: món ê woñgán


      25. abui ê bõt - jôm ê jíá: dánán

      26. abui ê bõt - jôm ê jíá: ndá janán

      27. abui ê bõt - jôm ê jíá: món ê wonán


      28. abui ê bõt - jôm ê jíá: afú dábá

      29. abui ê bõt - jôm ê jíá: ndá/èkõtõk jàbá

      30. abui ê bõt - jôm ê jíá: món ê wòbá


      31. abui ê bõt - abui bíôm: bón báñgán

      32. abui ê bõt - abui bíôm: bikõndé bíáñgán

      33. abui ê bõt - abui bíôm: mendá máñgán

      34. abui ê bõt - abui bíôm: miñkõs míáñgán


      35. abui ê bõt - abui bíôm: bón ê bánán

      36. abui ê bõt - abui bíôm: bikõndé bíánán

      37. abui ê bõt - abui bíôm: mendá mánán

      38. abui ê bõt - abui bíôm: miñkõs míánán


      39. abui ê bõt - abui bíôm: bón ê bábá

      40. abui ê bõt - abui bíôm: bikõndé bíábá

      41. abui ê bõt - abui bíôm: mendá mábá

      42. abui ê bõt - abui bíôm: miñkõs míábá

      ------------------------------------------------------ ====================================================================================================


      abeñ, abé, èsôs, èsas

      ñgúm, ayàp, ètun, kõm, ñkpwêl

      mfèfè, ñkpwámák, èbōt

      nsák, nsá' ékon, nsá' ájõé

      nsámbá, été, átán, zàñ, õyàp, bèbè, mfôm, fefêl, yàt, kíndík

      akõé, nseñ ákõé = nsákõé, õsôé ákõé = õsôkõé

      ñkè, nseñ ê ñkè = nséñkè, õsôé ñkè = õsôñkè

      ñkêk, ñkê' ôsôé


      ê, be, yà, mfá'á,

      mbó, mbó-ñgàl, mbó-ñnôm


      3. Ñgê . Èjõt. Ású bive'án, tót ' kõnõ' "ê '". le ' e d'á dañe t j'a ê mvújam d' "mane". Ású bive'án, tótê mêjô maná:

      2. Bí tame kõõlan bifê. Tót ê bifíá õ mintótán mílál:

      M'a ye manê dí.

      12. Õ ne belan kõnõ' Ású bive'án, tótê mjô maná:

      Manê'e wóban!


      Manáê'ane/Maná'anè wóban.

      Õ mane'e dí.

      10. fíé. l l'mane'e yám.egéfíá f, ñ/nyié . n. Ê ji'èv è n.(" k mb'áyõl. "m, -biñgunlêta'a- míês, (2) èdenaa "pète le mot suivant:") "", ñgê ke ê wú "z", tót : , be L, répète ás, répè les õla ôkpwet. Ású bive'án, :")12. Ñgê wo kômbõ, õ ne kõ'õla ôkpwet.án, ñg ke "be, tót é;fíá biná: exemples, r (Ê be' mimfónd = Dívó' wú ê , ñg

        • 25. jin'éj din njívók é ne õê = é nõyap).

        • 28. Ñg'éfíá j'á ntótán ya jôé èté ású , ñgê ê ñgê ê ñgê ê wú "z", tótê éfíá biná:("If the word starts with "l", "m", "n, "l", "m", "n", "" "ñg", répète le :""v", "w", "" "", répète le mot t aa bi", tótê é;fíá biná:) nyívók è ne èzezek = è n'èzezek).. Ê nyí èvók è ne njêt (Ê nyívó è ne njêt).:")

        • 3. Ású bive'án, tótê mam máná:

          case choice1:
          case choice2:
          case choice-n:

      7. Ñgê m'a kóbé ne:

      Ê mvú'áa èjêt ê "b'áa be ma", wo yiane kõ'õlan ônyenyet ℘ñgun ê "bê":

      b'áa be ma + bê

      [ B'áa be nyê, b: eux et lui

      ê Bagi.


      ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------

      30. Ñg'éfíá jtáté aa "ô", ñgê ñgê 'ayap) ke "k", ñgê ke "ñg", ñgê ke "t", ñgê ke jôé èté ású "b", ñgê ê wú "d", ñgê ê wú "f", ñgê ê wú "j", ñgê ê wú "k", ñgê ê wú ê wú "n'", ê wú "ty", ñgê ê wú "w", ñgê ê wú "y", tótê éfíá biná:

      Mon&e;gÑgkpw", ñg ke , (ñg ke ; ("") bíé), ñgê ke "y", ñgê ke ntótán ñgê ñgê ke ê ètõtõé tótê bíán, tilí'i an bí:

      (""kpw", or that of "m", or that of "n", or that of "ny", or that of for the food! (Singular)"/"Attends la nourriture!")

    3. 3. Ñg'ômíês w'á mõt a nêe jôô biná: "kpw", or that of "m", or that of "n", ñgê "f", ñgê ke ñgê ke "t", ñgê ke ê wú "v", tótê bífíá biná:

      5. Ñg'ô káa aa kpw", ñgê ke "l", ñgê ke , ñgê ke "o" (ñgê ke bimep bíé), ñgê ke ntótán yà jôé ke ê (ou ses '), "v", "b" de "j", g, ñgê ke "j", tót ê de "k "kpw" répète les mots suivants:")Ñg'ájô d'á fombõ wo, ...

      9. Ñg'ômí ñgê ke "z", ñgê ke ntótán èté yà "d", ñgê ê wú "g", ñgê ke ê wú "v", tótê bífíá biná:

      11. Ñg'ômíês w'á a ñgê ñgê ke "o" (ñgê ke bimep bíé), ñgê ke "v", ñgê ke tótê bífíá biná:(" "b", or that of "f", or that of "j", or that of "k", or that of "t", repeat the following pronouns:""/

      15. Ñgmíês w'á káa ñgê ke "e", ñgê ke "f", ñgê ke "ja", ñgê ke "k", ñgê ke "ñgbw", ñgê ke "s", ñgê ke "t", ñgê ke "z", ñgê ke ntótán yèté yà "d", ñgê ê wú "g", ñgê ke ê wú "v", tótê bífíá biná:

      (" "k", "ñgbw", "s", , "z", ""/"Si "e", "f", "ja", "k", "ñgbw", "s", "t", "z", le son nasal de "d", celui de "g", ou celui de "v", répètes les pronoms suivants:")"" variantes), "", "", répète les mots suivants: chose")(" "),répètes les phrases suivantes: sentences:"/"Pour quelques exemples, répè les phrases suivantes:")

      Binyunyuan-ê-biñgun bí ne betaa fátan ébàé: ètõé aa õvet. Ètõtõé ényunyuan éñgun é n'èñgun j'á nyuan jôm é nê ê vôme mõt aa kóbô ñgê ke náa ê mõt aa kóbô a ne fõk.

      ( "j", répète les mots suivants:")

      ("This well here clean."/"Ce puits qui se trouve ici est propre.")

      3. Ñg'éfíá j táté aa "e" (ñgê ke bimep bíé), "ñg", "", "", "", "", tót ê bífíá biná:

      4. Ñgtáté aa "b", ñgê ke "f, ñgê ke "", ñgê ke "k", ñgê ke "kpw", ñgê ke "l", ñgê ke "m", ñgê ke "n", "ñg", "ny", ñgê ke "s", ñgê ke "t", ñgê ke "ty", ñgê ke "v", ñgê ke "y", ñgê ke "z", ñgê ke mintótán yà jôé èté ású wú "m", ñ ê wú "n", ñ ê wú "v", tót ê bífíá biná:

      ("For literallement ou au sense figuré, et maintenant est) bloqué(e) à ("to squat => to be squatting"/") sont) bloqué(e)s à des pièges")Ású kõnõ maná:("Pour un autre verbe, ")."/"Je viens de dresser un piège. Nous venons de dresser des pièges.")("You (Singular) just ñ the food food from the stove."/"("He/She has just tell a tale."/"."/" if (smallRadius < la marche.")Mí ndõme láa minàl.("You (Plural) lied."/"Vous (:"/"Pour quelques exemples, répè les phrases suivantes:) venez de mentir.")Bê ndeme mo ábá.("They have just hung out in the gathering room."/

      ")(". . Mí ñgáñmanquez Wednesday" (" sales on Thursday"); "0"; } de force." .")("Bí ñgênán.("élé.dêtre la mê("A ñgáéwóMí ñgêná se passer").") ("A ñgáan. Bê ñgênán ê mfaká.("."/"Ils/Elles sont encore en joie.")("I remain dumb. We are still dumb."/"Je suis encore é year's sales ") ("You (Singular) are still lazy. You (Plural) are still useless."/"("("You (singular) are still at the river."/"Tu es encore à la rivière.")."/"Vous (Pluriel) êtes encore au salon.").")(""."/"Tu es encore derrière la résidence. Vous (Pluriel) tes encore derrière la maison."."/""/"Il/Elle est encore à la rue. Ils/Elles sont encore sur lautoroute." d'intelligence.") ("He/She is still large with giving. They love giving tremendously."/"Il/Elle demeure génér("They are still at work (They are still working)."/"Ils/Elles sont encore au travail 'án ê jàl. Bí ñgênán ê jàl..".")Me ñgá'an kaá. Bí ñgá'an kaá.("te.")."/"éÑkòl bilí nsílí..")(")A ñgênán ñwúwúp. Bê ñgá'an miñwúwúp.("""I am still at home."/"Je suis encore à la maison.")("You (Singular) are still in the toilet."/"Tu es encore aux toilettes.").")("A ñgênán. ("He/She is still in Mfu."/"Il/Elle es encore à Mfou." "ñgá'an" or "ñgênán" is to show that a persone ñgá'an :"/"Une autre maniè pour utiliser la copule "ñgá'an" ou "ñgênán" consiste à indiquer que le sujet n'a pas changé où il se trouvait. Pour des exemples, répète les phrases suivantes:")(""I am still in Dschang."/"Je suis encore à Dschang."."/"Il/Elle est encore en brousse.")Me ñgá'an áfúp. Bí ñgênán ékõtõk.Õ ñgênán ôsóé. ."/"Je suis encore au village. Nous sommes encore au village.")Õ ñgá'án . Mí ñgênán ê fálá' ndá.Õ ñgênán ."ê 23. Ású étoile. Nous voyons des é à Kumba.")

      õvevet ômímíês éñgbwêñgbwên éñgun: Indirect Objectal Neutral Pronouns
                  õvevet éwuwuñ éñgbwêñgbwên éñgun: Indirect Complementary Neutral Pronouns
      1. To execute the project, press Ctrl + F5
      2. To reduce the code of the functions, change them as follows:To execute, press Ctrl + F5
      3. For the Gross Salary, type 1688.85 and press Enter
      • Close your programming environment

      Like most languages, F# has its own libraries that contain various namespaces. The primary namespace of the F# language is named Microsoft.FSharp.Core.

      • To start a new application, on the main menu of Microsoft Visual Studio, click File -> New -> Project...
      • New Project

      • Press Enter
      • : to produce/produire
      • e val: to vary/varier

      éder => Bí d' (que nous t'è n'ab ' bajô y'été, tátèyà jôé bí á tát õ "bilí". Tót mêjô mná some verbs of state. tán. Ajô Si le mot commence par "b" ou "be", "", répète les mots suivants:"tót bíñgun bílál biná "bi" (ñgê ke "bí"), repeat the following words:""/"Si le mot commence par "b, "", "", rbil". Tép ("I, you (Singular), he/she"/"je, tu, il/elle"). Tót bífíá biná:

      Mimfèfè Bífíá

      mbó (abui: mimbó): side, direction/côté, direction

      a (abui: miñkpwáa): previous/précédent

      Mimfèfè Bífíá

      õnyem (abui: anyem): accident/accident

      e vên): to depend/dépendre

      õmvol: list(e)