
Aválê dá yà mêválê mimfõndè ê miñkilíse'e mí ñgá fút éyot jáp yà kilíse'e ê be bõbetô báñgán é ne "Metiñ Áwôõm". Metiñ mête mê ne ntilán ê Bíbele, ê kálate Ñkôlán, ábēñê mewômbaá.

Ényásênyás, Metiñ Áwôõm m'á yéné anê mbamba aválê yà ê nyiñ. Ê dí é nê bêbêlá é ne náa Metiñ Áwôõm m'á jêñê na mê fombôõ biwõndè anê ñgê bí n'èñgeñget. Ve tekee è áwõndè èziñ é n'éñgeñget.

Biyoñ b'iziñ, éyoñ wo ê bameke, wo yiane dômê mevàp ê mevé éwõndè é nê mfútán mfá'á wõé. Nál'a ne náa wo yiane fas zá a ê tyini wo. Wo yiane yem õñgõlõt õvé w'á tyini wo (anê ê mam mê lõte ya, mêtume mê né, aa õvēk.

Wo yiane dôm áka' étyini avé d'á vêêban mfá'á wõé, biwóé aa metúk, akêke. Wo yiane ve' ê biyón ê mfá'á wõé aa mfá'á bõte befê. Wo yiane fên ábím ényên avé õ ñgáá be'e émé, á dañê dañ ñgê émé j'á ye sú'úlan j'á bo éjõjõs.

Ású éve'án yà fênê bíwõndè bíná, ñyemeláanè Metiñ Áwôõm:

1. "Te télé ma bezambê befê ôsú."

Abui ê biyoñ, éyoñ wo kóbõ aa miñkilíse'e ñgê ke bõt ê yà bikõñga bifê, anê mintàn, w'a ye wô'ô bê jô'õ mam m'èziñ anê, "Amú jé mí á ndêñêle bõt? Ñga ê bía bêse bí á búni zambê. Ku'ulán a a fute zambê wèé na Ála ñnye ètám a nê nya ê zambêe (Al-Baqarah 2:163, Al-Baqarah 2:133, Al-Anbya 21:108, Az-Zukhruf 43:84, An-Nahl 16:22). Èkõñg'ése yà j'á bút ê zambê wèé selá-selán, náa á vóne nê sáñê-sáñ na bemvônê bé bê ne teke búni nyênyáé aa bíkõga bivók, aa bê ne teke lõndè nyênyáé e zambê aa bíkõga bivók. Èkõg'ése yà bikõõga bíte é bil'Õñge' ê yà ékõng'ése j'á selan aa èkõga ê yà Ôñge' ê yà bíkõga bivók. Õvõtõ ê yà bíkõñga bivó. Ê jame díná d'á vón nê sáñ-sáñ na, mbólê bikõñgá bíte bí á selan, bikõñga bíte bí á ê lõndè ê ke nyênyáé bezambê, aa bê njí ke bi ê nyênyáé e zambê.

Átiñ ôsú yà metiñ áwôõm ê yà Bíbele aa bífase bifê yà mimfúfúp bêkálate báp, Bíbele a a Ku'ulán b'á jaé a a ê vê'ê na bezambê bê n'abui (Metáta'a 31:30, Ñkôlán 12:12, 15:11, 20:3, 23:13, 23:32-33, 34:14, Nláñán Ê Bõt 33:4, Deuteronomy 5:7, 6:14, 11:16, Psalms 86:1, 82:6, 86:8. 95:3. 96:4, 97:7, 135:5, Mam Mínlômán 17:18, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Al-Baqarah 2:163, Al-An'am 6:136, An-Nahl 16:86, Qur'an 25:3, Ar-Rum 30:13, Sad 38:5, Al-Qalam 68:41).

Mímfõndè mí ñgá sóo Èyíbi aa Kilíse'e ê étõñga jáñgan bê ñgá koene bemvámbá báñgán bê bilí mevál ê máp. Ve õnyênyóñ ôseñga wúá yà mimfõndè ní ñgá tñesan ô mbê na bê jaa, ñgê ke náa bê ta, mimbúnán aa añges ê bõt bevók. Ású átáta'a, bê ñgá yi bê fúte bezambê báp na bê n'andêndàn ê minsañga é nê ôñgeñgel aa b'á yiane èlõndè.

Bezambê bê n'abui. Ê zambê miñkilíse'e mí á lõndè a ne fó'ó ve zambê wuá y'è été. Ê zambê mintàn mí á lõndè a ne fó'ó ve zambê wuá yà ábui ê bezambê. Bezambê bête bê njí bo ôñgúñgú'ú ñg'ávēl ávênden aa bezamê befê amújam éte é njí ke vóneban ê mōs éziñ.

Bíbele aa Ku'ulán bê ne ve bekálate, fó'ó fe anê bekálate befê. Fó'ó v'amú jôm èziñ é nê ntilán ê Bíbele ñgê ke ê Ku'ulán, nál'a ê tinan ê ki náa jam ét'é ne bêbêlá.

Ñgê wo yi ê bõt bevó'ó bê sémè mbúnán wõé, wo yiane yé'è náa ô sémè áñges ê bõte bevók, wo yiane sémè mímbúnán mí bõte bevók, aa wo yiane sémè bêzambê bê bõte bevók.

Te ê bo ñgune melàn é nê ñkpwelán mfá'á jôm èziñ é nê ê yôp été, ñgê ê sí, ñgê ê jôm é nê ê mendí ê sí. Te wo kút ê je mebóñ ê sí ñgê ê lu'u ê bie. Amú ma, me ne Ntí Zambê wôé. Me ne Zambê yà ábán. M'a fóñôsõ bón amú mbía bê mam beésaá bê ñgá bo, ê miaé lále ñgê ê ê miaé ê nyini yà bá b'á síñ ê ma; ve m'a líti bakútu bê bõte mvam, ê bá b'á nye'e ma aa b'á ba'ale metiñ máam.

Ê váná, Bíbele a a võme náa bõt bê bilí mevál mevál b'á bo bikõkõñgá bí ábús bíáp, ñgbwe'ebán aa ôkumú wóp, ôñges wóp, aa ônyê'ê wóp.

Éyoñ mintàn aa mimfõndè miñkilíse'e mí ñgá suan étõñga jáñgán, èjõjõme jíá yà bijõjõm bíáp é mbê na bê biasée a a ta ê jôm ése õsúsúñ áfôé é mbê é lõndè'è, a a biasè avál avé bõt bê mbê bê bo'o bikõkõñga ábús bíáp.

Mintàn aa mimfõndè míñkilíse'e mí mbê mí dôme náa bísúka'a bíse bê ñgá koene ê be bía bí mbê bifefen. Bê ñgá jaa añgêñgó'ós mevôm mêse a a fol ê me aa mekúndá aa mintandá. Bê ñgá dí'i bikõkõñga ê bísúka'a biziñ. Bê ñgá wúp ê bíôm bivó' a a kee bíê na bê ke míês ê bie ê bífôfõt ê bitómbó ê vôm ê bê nê kot ê bie ású ábeñ dáp aa èsísima ê éñgõñ jáp.

Mintàn aa mimfõndè ê míñkilíse'e mí ñgá belane miñkóbõ metà aa bijõjõs bíjêt na bê yõlée, bê nyañ, aa bê búte ê jôm è ê jôm bemvámbá báñgán bê mbê bê bela'an. Afúfút ê bífíá anê "ènyôm" (Metáta'a 31:19, Ñkôlán 34:17, Mam Mínlômán 17:16, Al-Muddaththir 74:5, Ash-Shu'ara 26:96, Ash-Shu'ara 26:71, Ash-Shu'ara 26:94, Ghafir 40:73), "nlúñúlu" (As-Saffat 37:161), "ndènda'a" (Al-Falaq 113:4), "asēp", aa "èwúbu" é bê é beleba'an abui náa bê võe bíôm aa bijóé yà bêmvámbá báñgán bê njí bê "ôjõjot". Mêlú maná, miñkilíse'e aa mintàn mí ñgá'án mí bela'an afúfút ê bífíá éte.

Bikõñga bí n'abui ê Síi ndõn. Bõt ê yà bikõñga bíte bê bilí mevál ê mevál b'á lõndè, fó'ó fe anê miñkilíse'e aa mintàn mí bilí mevál ê máp. Wo yiane vê aa sémè ávál avé bõte bèziñ b'á lõndè, ve teke ta ê be, teke kpwê'êle be, aa teke jaa ôñgese wóp, ja'a wo búni náa èkõñga jôé é ne õndêndêñ. Ve éyoñ bõt bèziñ b'á biasè bísúka'a miñkilíse'e aa mintàn mí á belane ású élõndè jáp, õ símêsa'an náa bevámbá báp bê ñgá bameke ávál ôñgbwátêñgbwát ê te biyoñ ntet.

3. Te wo tót ê jôé zambê wõé ètótê totè.

"Ê tót ê jôé zambê ... ètótê totè" a a tinane áyá? : ' )Bê mbetê.("They are already on the ."/)("For another verb, repeat the following words:"/"Pour un autre verbe, répè"/"se coucher -> être couché => être en résidense")19. Ású bive' ntyelê élé. Mê yelê mintyáé bílé.13. Ású án bí á belan kõnõ "ê bômbõ" anê "mbôõ" aa anyenyet-ê-biñgun, tót ê mam máná:("For examples that use the verb "ê bômbõ" "ê bômbõ" ")("I am now (lying down) in bed (I am now sleeping)."/"Je suis maintenant couché(e) (au lit).")(/She is currently laying on the road."/"Il/Elle est maintenant couché(e) sur la route.")("é bífíá biná répèrépètes les phrases suivantes:"))ê têbe -> têle => ntêle("to stand (up) -> to be standing => to be placed"/"se lever -> être debout => é(e)")15. Ású biveán mêjô yà kõnõõ "ê tê aná:( ê")Dên, mí ntêle ê mbía vôm. Mí ntêl What does it mean to "take the name of the Lord ... in vain."? Muslims are commanded to pray five times every day. Christians are recommended to pray all the time, for any reason, under every circumstance.

Some Christians pray as soon as they wake up in the morning. They are asked to pray and thank their god every time they eat, which could be one, two, or three times. If they have a job, they are asked to pray whenever they leave their house and when they get to their destination. They are asked to pray before going to sleep. So a regular christian may pray one to seven times in day.

Whenever christians and Muslims pray, they must identify who they are praying. As a result, they say the name of their God one to a hundred times everyday.

During the day, there are situations in which religious people exclaim, using the name of their god. Examples are:

Are these expressions "naming the lord in vain"?

Which one of the following expressions "name the lord in vain"?

It appears that religious people consider that you can call on the name of their god a thousand times a day as long as you are thanking him for something good you think he did in your life; but if you hold that same god responsible for any failure in your life, all of a sudden you are using the name of the Lord in vain.

On the other hand, apparently this commandment insinuates that some expressions should not be associated with Allah, the god of the Bible, or Jesus Christ. Examples are "goddammit", "Jesus Fucking Christ", "holy crap", etc.

Muslims and Christian missionaries made it a habit to take the names of the deities of our ancestors in vain, so you too have the right and ability to take the names of their gods in vain.

Well, out of respect, don't make it a habit to insult other people's gods. But Freedom of Expression allows you to use words, names, and expressions. Unless you live in one of those countries where speech and religious criticism are limited, nothing will happen to you if you use the names of the lords of Christianity and Islam in vain. After all, that's how they have always used the names of other people's gods, in vain.

4. " Remember the Sabbath day... . In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates."

This is one of the commands you should never take seriously. This commandment completely ignores people's daily realities. Whether you are religious or not, there are jobs that must be performed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Examples include:

There are some jobs that must be performed any day, including the Sabbath. Otherwise, people would die. Is it what the god of the Bible wants? Probably yes.

5. " Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long."

This commandment has two sections, but to start, a certain word is not found there: "always". Well, there are bad parents, including those who abuse their children. There are fathers who rape their own daughters.

There are parents who abandon their children at an early stage of the children lives and come back many years later.

For the first part of this commandment, when it comes to obeying parents, this is a good advice towards responsible parents who do their best to take care of their children to the limits of their means.

The second part of this commandment implies that a child who honors his or her parents would always have a long life. This is not always the case, which makes this promise a lie. There are respectful children who die every day, through a disease, food poisoning, pandemic, accidents (car, airplane, etc), sometimes in the company of the parent they respect.

Children should honor and obey their parents, but there are circumstances in which this should not "always" happen.

6. " You shall not murder."

The King James Version of this commandment states: "Thou shalt not kill."

Studies in various areas of social science present differences in killing, murdering, executing, self-defending, etc. This one-sentence commandment doesn't take some details into consideration.

There are situations in which killing is authorized or ordered by someone else: military (during war), police shooting, death penalty, etc.

There are other situations when a person must kill. Examples are self-defense where somebody is being attacked, being raped, or during a violent home invasion. It is important to keep in mind that murder and cold execution are something else.

7. " You shall not commit adultery."

This commandment has nothing to do with marriage. So it is confusing to deduce from this commandment:

This commandment doesn't indicate whether the god of the Bible is offended by adultery. If that were the case, this commandment doesn't say why and when the god of the Bible would be offended.

This is a cheap useless commandment.

8. "You shall not steal."

This commandment falls in the same logic as the 6th commandment. In other words, the circumstances influence the decision and outcome of this commandment.

The God of the Bible is not in a good position to give people a lecture about stealing. In the Old Testament, the God of the Bible gives instructions to people to go and conquer other people, to grab their lands, and steal their resources, giving support for colonization and slavery.

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ sent his disciples to go and steal somebody's donkey. He even told the disciples what to say if they get caught.

As for stealing...

Imagine that, during colonization, you live with your parents in a village. Meanwhile, you work as a housekeeper in the house of a colonizer. The colonizers are planning to attack your village and kill everybody. If you happen to see the plan they will follow, are you going to steal it to take it to your king so the village can prepare and escape death from the colonizers?

Sometimes, stealing is necessary. It depends on various factors.

9. " You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."

This is probably the only commandment that makes sense in this list. Still, once again, this commandment doesn't acknowledge some circumstances in which a bad deed could be beneficial.

Overall, you should not bear a false testimony against anybody, but some unforeseen situations may drive a person to lie, such as sacrificing one person to save a whole community, just like the Bible itself advocates.

10. "You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's."

This is one more stupid commandment. Regardless of how much you think "coveting" is wrong, the crime committed here is in the thought. This is one of the mind manipulation tricks of religions. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ states that anybody who thinks of a so-called sin has already committed a sin in his heart (Matthew 5:28).

This commandment is a demonstration of the mind manipulation techniques of religions. Don't pay attention to it.


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